Read our agreement before filling out this contract.
This agreement is between (hereinafter referred to as the Sponsor) and the Kevin Russo Airshows (hereinafter referred to as K.R.A.).
The Sponsor agrees to pay the fee of $ plus expenses to K.R.A. for a day airshow. These expenses include:
For the fee mentioned on the airshow agreement K.R.A. agrees to appear at the airshow at airport on the date (s) of . Each daily performance will include up to 1 act, circle jumpers if needed, and full routine of 9 minutes.
If the Sponsor cancels the show at any time within thirty days prior to the show date or after the aircraft have deployed en route to the show site, an amount equal to 10% of the contract plus any expense shall be due and payable to Kevin J. Russo.
Accepted: , Show Sponsor Date:
Accepted: , K.R.A. Representative Date:
Deposit of $ to hold date.